Workshop Perception and Action, March 30 - June 4, 2010

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Workshop Perception and Action

DFG-Forschergruppe 560 "Wahrnehmung und Handlung"
Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation (Transcoop program)

Giessen University, Rauischholzhausen Castle
May 30 - June 4, 2010

Schedule for Tuesday

Tuesday morning: Remapping

09:00 - Alain Berthoz (College de France, Paris) Role of gaze for the steering and anticipation of locomotor trajectories.

09:45 - Pieter Medendorp, (Nijmegen) Mechanisms of spatial remapping in the human brain.

10:30 - Coffee break

11:00 - Laure Pisella (CNRS Lyon) Visual remapping in patients with parietal lesion.

11:45 - Denise Henriques (Toronto, Canada) & Katja Fiehler (Marburg) Updating spatial memory across time for arm control and perception.

Tuesday afternoon: Space and time during eye movements

14:00 - Doug Crawford (Toronto) Involvement of Parietal and Frontal Eye Fields in Trans-saccadic Memory of Multiple Objects.

14:45 - David Burr (Pisa) Spatial and temporal perceptual consequences of saccadic remapping.

15:30 - Coffee break

16:00 - Michael Ibbotson (Canberra, Australia) Altered visual processing during saccadic eye movements.

16:45 - Frank Bremmer (Marburg) Space encoding during eye movements

Tuesday evening: Dinner & sightseeing in Marburg