Curriculum Vitae


My scientific career began at the Department of Psychology of Regensburg University, where I studied Mathematical Psychology and Experimental Psychology with Prof. Jan Drösler. My Diploma thesis was on the effects of adaptation on color discrimination, and my scientific career was full of color ever since.

Apart from science, I learned to program small computers (Z80 microcomputers running the CP/M operating system), medium computers the size of a fridge (Dietz Prozessrechner), and a large Telefunken TR 440 mainframe computer that filled a whole gym-sized room and even had punchcards.


In 1986, I joined the Graduate Program in Experimental Psychology at New York University. Under the supervision of George Sperling I started to work on my dissertation. My first (and last :-) experiment in George's lab was on iconic memory.


The other parts of my thesis work were performed with John Krauskopf, and I was back to work on color vision.


From 1990, I worked as a PostDoc in Tony Movshon's lab, where we recorded from single cells in cortical areas V2 and MT of macaque monkeys.


Between 1993 and 2000 I worked at the Max-Planck-Institue for biological Cybernetics in Tübingen in Heinrich Bülthoff's group. There, I started to get interested in motor control, natural scene perception, and many other issues.


In 2000, I was appointed professor of Biological Psychology at the University of Magdeburg.


A year later, I accepted an offer from Giessen University, where I am currently Professor of Psychology.