Oliva Lab (MIT): MIT's Speerspitze in terms of computational vision. Palmer Lab (Berkeley): Palmer's book inspired my object recognition studies. Glaser Lab (Berkeley): also working with propagating maps. Rufin van Rullen (CNRS): also studying intensively visual recognition. Richard Hahnloser (ETH): neurophysiology in song birds, network models. Gabriel Kreiman (Harvard): neurophysiology and bioinformatics. Giacomo Indiveri (ETH): neuromorphic engineering. Shimon Ullman (Weizman): also working on structural variability. Seung Lab (MIT): cortical neurophysiology, network models. Lowe David (Brit Columbia): a guru in computer vision. |
COREL Category Labels: info & files on COREL categorization Vision Links: various sites related to vision sciences. Publishers, Programming, Math: just a collection of sites. Recommended Reading: on human visual percpetion and recognition. |