Detailed view of a page, which is probably more useful for debugging than anything else.

Querying backend directly for 'PhpWikiAdministration'

 hits  177
 locked  yes
 %content  __Note__: Most of the actions on this pa ...
 author  DirkNeumann
 author_id  DirkNeumann
 is_minor_edit  1
 markup  2
 mtime  1054884525
 %content  __Note__: Most of the actions on this pa ...
 _supplanted  1054884525
 author  DirkNeumann
 author_id  DirkNeumann
 markup  2
 mtime  1054874508
 %content  __Note__: Most of the actions on this pa ...
 _supplanted  1054874508
 author  The PhpWiki programming team
 author_id  The PhpWiki programming team
 markup  2
 mtime  1054869443

Last edited on Friday, June 6, 2003 5:17:22 am.

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