Hyperspectral images

Our images are available in the following formats:

NOTE: To use the PCA reduced images, you will want to make use of our readCompressedDAT.m function in MATLAB. It can be found here.

We took images of the skins and the internals of our fruits and vegetables. The images are available for:

NOTE: The images presented on this webpage are the original, un-modified images that come from our hyperspectral camera, so they will appear different from the images in our published report, since those were modified for visibility purposes when printed. The gamma-corrected RGB images may appear dark, but this is not of any concern. The images were recorded at a luminance of 36.97 cd/(m^2), which is bright enough for reliable hyperspectral measurements.

For most purposes, you will also want to use image masks, in order to segment the object in each image from the background. The image masks for the skins and internals are available at the following links:

If you need access to the original hyperspectral data, then please send us an email, as the raw data is large and would put undue strain on our server.