Neurowissenschaftliche Psychologie
Montag 14.00-16.00 Raum F9
 Seminar Visuelle Neurowissenschaften

Kontakt für Fragen und Änderungen: Karl Gegenfurtner und Julia Trommershäuser


24. April    Einführung, Vergabe der Referate


1. Mai: Feiertag
8. Mai: fällt aus wegen VSS Tagung


15. Mai: Mustererkennung (Karl Gegenfurtner) Summary

Wandell, B. (1995) Foundations of vision, chapter 7: Motion and depth, p. 195-246. Sunderland: Sinauer.

Florian Bayer: Campbell, F.W. & Robson, J.G. (1968). The application of Fourier Analysis to the visibility of gratings. Journal of Physiology, 197, 551-566.   Referat   Handout
Barbara Gohlke: Henning, G.B., Hertz, B.G., & Broadbent, D.E. (1975). Some experiments bearing on the hypothesis that the visual system analyzes patterns in independent bands of spatial frequency. Vision Research 15, 887-899.   Referat     Handout


22. Mai: Objekte und Szenen (Karl Gegenfurtner) Summary


Wandell, B. (1995) Foundations of vision, chapter 8: Multiresolution image representations, p. 247-286. Sunderland: Sinauer.

Nina Schum: Thorpe, S.J., Fize, D. & Marlot, C. (1996) Speed of processing in the human visual system. Nature, 381, 520-522.   Referat     Handout

Anna-Lena Richter: Kersten, D. (1987) Predictability and redundancy of natural images. Journal of the Optical Soci­ety of America A, 4, 2395-2400.   Referat     Handout

29. Mai: Bewegung (Karl Gegenfurtner)  Summary


Wandell, B. (1995) Foundations of vision, chapter 10: Motion and depth, p. 341-386. Sunderland: Sinauer.
Kathrin Rühl: Watson, A. B., Thompson, P. G. , Murphy, B. J. and Nachmias, J. (1980) Summation and discrimination of gratings moving in opposite directions. Vision Research, 20, 341-347.  Referat   Handout
Ina Duchiere: Newsome, W.T.,  Britten, K.H.  & Movshon, J.A. (1989) Neuronal correlates of a perceptual decision. Nature, 341, 52-54.
Salzman, C.D. Britten, K.H. & Newsome, W.T. (1990) Cortical microstimulation influences perceptual judgements of motion direction. Nature, 346, 174-177.  Referat   Handout

5. Juni: Feiertag

12. Juni:
Farbe (Karl Gegenfurtner)  Summary


Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2003) Cortical mechanisms of colour vision. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 4, 563-572.

Gegenfurtner, K.R. & Kiper, D.C. (2003) Color vision. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 26, 181-206.

Wandell, B. (1995) Foundations of vision, chapter 9: Color, p. 287-340. Sunderland: Sinauer.
Claudia Joas: Krauskopf, J., Williams, D. R. & Heeley, D. W. (1982) Cardinal directions of color space. Vision Research, 22, 1123-1131.  Referat   Handout

Sabrina Schmidt:Webster, M.A. & Mollon, J.D. (1991) Changes in colour appearance following post-receptoral adaptation. Nature, 349, 235-238. Referat   Handout

19. Juni: Neuroimaging (Julia Trommershäuser) Summary

Wandell, B. A. (1999) Computational Neuroimaging of human visual cortex. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 22:145-173.
Gesche Hübner: Brewer JB, Zhao Z, Desmond JE, et al. (1998) Making memories: Brain activity that predicts how well visual experience will be remembered. Science, 281, 1185-1187.     Referat     Handout

Kathrin Burghardt: Haynes, J.D. & Rees, G. (2005) Predicting the orientation of invisible stimuli from activity in human primary visual cortex. Nature Neuroscience, 8, 686-691.     Referat     Handout

Kamitani, Y. & Tong, F. (2005) Decoding the visual and subjective contents of the human brain. Nature Neuroscience, 8, 679-685.
Boynton, G.M. (2005)  Imaging orientation selectivity: decoding conscious perception in V1. Nature Neuroscience, 8, 541-542.

26. Juni: Augenbewegungen (Julia Trommershäuser) Summary

Karnath, H.-O. & Thier, P. (2006) Neuropsychologie. 2. Auflage. Springer-Verlag,  Heidelberg.

    Kap. 26, Kap. 28

Leigh, R.-J. & Zee, D.S. (2006) The neurology of eye movements. 4th Ed. Oxford University Press,  New York.

    Kap. 1

Diane Pittig: Colby, C. L., Duhamel, J.-R., Goldberg, M. E. (1996). Visual, presaccadic, and cognitive activation of single neurons in monkey lateral intraparietal area. Journal of Neurophysiology, 76 (5), 2841-2852.     Referat     Handout
Anna Seydell: Snyder, L. H., Batista, A. P. & Andersen, R. A. (1998). Change in motor plan, without a change in the spatial locus of attention, modulates activity in posterior parietal cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 79, 2814-2819.     Referat     Handout


3. Juli: Handlungssteuerung (Julia Trommershäuser) Summary

Goodale, M.A. & Westwood, D.A. (2004). An evolving view of duplex vision: separate but interacting cortical pathways for perception and action. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 14, 203-211.
Desmurget, M., Pelisson, Rosetti, Y., Prablanc, C. & (1998).From eye to hand: planning goal-directed movements. Neurosc. Biobehav. Rev., 22, 761-88.

Boris Zeman: Goodale, M. A., Milner, A. D., Jakbson, L. S., & Carey, D. P. (1991) A neurological dissociation between perceiving objects and grasping them. Nature, 349, 154-156.     Referat     Handout
Kathrin Jacobowski: Aglioti, S., DeSouza, J.F.X. & Goodale, M.A. (1995) Size-contrast illusions deceive the eye but not the hand. Current Biology, 5, 679-685.     Referat     Handout
Franz, V.H., Gegenfurtner, K.R., Bülthoff, H.H. & Fahle, M. (2000) Grasping visual illusions: No evidence for a dissociation between perception and action. Psychological Science, 11, 20-25.


10. Juli: Neuropsychologie (Julia Trommershäuser) Summary

Karnath, H.-O. & Thier, P. (2006) Neuropsychologie. 2. Auflage. Springer-Verlag,  Heidelberg.

    Kap. 1, Kap. 2, Kap. 7, Kap. 8, Kap. 9, Kap. 21

Zeki, S.M. (1991) Cerebral akinetopsia (visual motion blindness). Brain, 114, 811-824.

Nina Sophie Harms: Cowey, A. & Stoerig, P. (1991) The neurobiology of blindsight. Trends in Neurosciences, 14, 140-145.     Referat     Handout
Martin Stritzke: Driver, J. & Mattingley, J. B. (1998) Parietal neglect and visual awareness, Nature Neuroscience, 1, 17-22.     Referat     Handout

17. Juli: Klausur